Automate up to 70% of your claims

Streamline your insurance workflows with InSpacer.

Visualize the damaged assets, like if you were on-site

Interact with your assets and inspect every angle.

Multiply by 2 the average amount of claims managed remotely

Speed up management of usual claims like water damage, attempted theft or broken windows.

Improve policyholder satisfaction thanks to 3D Selfcare

Send automated pre-estimates to your clients thanks to our IA-powered simulator.

Our first clients love InSpacer

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"I've sent a lot of people over to Inspacer because I am so appreciative of the ease and the way Inspacer  makes it possible for a regular individual, not a specially trained certified mechanic, to handle one's visits."

Name Surname
Job @Company

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"I've sent a lot of people over to Inspacer because I am so appreciative of the ease and the way Inspacer  makes it possible for a regular individual, not a specially trained certified mechanic, to handle one's visits."

Name Surname
Job @Company

Lorem ipsum

"I've sent a lot of people over to Inspacer because I am so appreciative of the ease and the way Inspacer  makes it possible for a regular individual, not a specially trained certified mechanic, to handle one's visits."

Name Surname
Job @Company

The future of insurance claim management. Available very soon.